Saving a Card on Rave
How to save your customers cards using Rave
Every successful card transaction on Rave returns an authorisation token for the customer.
Authorisation tokens allow you to reuse the customer's card for subsequent payments e.g. Subscriptions with custom debit dates, loan recollection from customers.
To use an authorisation token you need to:
Collect your first payment using our web-based - Rave Inline or Rave Standard or native/hybrid mobile SDKs - Android , iOS , hybrid SDKs
Once the transaction is successful you need to run Verify Payment with your transaction reference to get your authorisation token.
You can use the token to make subsequent charges when payment is due to your customer using our tokenised charge endpoint.
Saving a card without initiating a charge.
We suggest you make a small charge between N10 - N50 on the card if this is your solutions use case. Support for card tokenisation without a charge is in the pipeline.
Updated almost 6 years ago