Integration Recommendations

Collecting Payments

  • Ensure you verify the details of the payment by comparing the amount, currency, transaction reference etc before you give value
  • Always implement webhooks when applicable
  • Ensure that you are not rate limited when checking the status of a transaction. Read more about our rate limits here

Making Payments

  • Ensure to handle Transfers and Virtual Cards asynchronously via webhooks

Error Handling

  • Ensure to cater for edge cases by only giving value or rendering service on a definite response as defined by the APIs
  • Ensure errors are “caught” and general error messages are shown to users in the worst case.

Validating Webhooks

  • We recommend the use of Secret Hash on your dashboard via Settings > Webhhoks in order to verify that the webhook was sent by Flutterwave

Security Recommendations

API Management

Verify that your app meets these requirements for managing your API Keys

  • API Keys should not be hardcoded in the codebase.
  • API calls requiring your Flutterwave Secret Key should never be initiated from a Client (browser/mobile app). It should be done from the backend/server part of the application
  • API Keys should be stored in environmental variables or secrets manager.


  • Ensure a strong password policy is enforced e.g. minimum of 8 alphanumeric characters, an upper case, a special character
  • Input validation is in place during login
  • Implement controls against brute-force - account lockouts, second-factor authentication and so on.
  • Store database credentials securely using secrets manager preferably.
  • Ensure all app session cookies have the following attributes set
    1. Secure
    2. HTTPOnly
  • Upon the user logging out, the user’s session must be terminated server-side, and any client-side session tokens should be cleared and not cached on the user’s machine
  • Any session tokens must be stored within session cookies and transported only within HTTP cookie headers

Session Management

  • Session timeouts should be configured on the server
  • Session duration should be limited to a maximum of 10 hours, after which the user must be required to authenticate again
  • Implement an idle session timeout
  • Deny concurrent sessions
  • Ensure session tokens are generated using a Random Number Generator (RNG) cryptographic provider so it cannot be easily predictable.

Session Termination

  • A clearly accessible button must exist which allows users to log out of the application, which in turn ends the session on the server
  • Application sessions must be invalidated at the server-side
  • Log out function must effectively destroy all session tokens and render them useless.

Handling Sensitive Information

  • Securely exchange encryption keys - Ensure key exchanges are performed over a secure channel (TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3)
  • Limit the use and storage of sensitive data - Ensure sensitive data are not unnecessarily transported and stored. Where possible use abstract identifiers to reduce data exposure risk.
  • Encryption of sensitive data at rest

Error Handling and Accountability

  • Ensure to log all privileged changes
  • Log all user (customer) and administrative activities
  • Log all access to sensitive data
  • When encountered with an unhandled exception, display generic messages to the end-user. Do not reveal details about the internal state of your application eg database errors, app server errors etc
  • Store logs securely and follow international standards for log retention

Input and Output Forms

  • All input (user and service) must be validated only on the server-side in addition to any client-side validation to permit only the characters required and field length necessary
  • All output back should be encoded
  • With proper input validation and output encoding, applications should not be susceptible to cross-site scripting, either stored or reflected. This includes all headers, cookies, query strings, form fields and hidden fields
  • Create a whitelist of acceptable characters to be used by the application
  • Ensure proper validation is done for files that are uploaded
  • Use parameterized SQL queries

Application Server

  • Ensure caching has been disabled on all SSL pages and all pages that contain sensitive data by using value no-cache and no-store instead of private in the Cache-Control header
  • All OS, web server and app server security patches are up to date at this time, and new patches are applied in a commercially reasonable timeframe after they are made available by the hardware and software vendors
  • SSL must be configured to support only TLS version 1.2 or higher.
  • HTTPS is enforced on all pages and endpoints of your application
  • The app web server must be configured to disable the TRACE and other HTTP methods if not being used

Vulnerability and Security Assessment

Ensure your application is secured against this non-exhaustive list

  • Cross-Site Request Forgery
  • Cross-Site Scripting reflected and stored cross-site scripting
  • SQL Injection
  • XML Injection