
In our constant strives to achieve and maintain 99.9999% uptime and safeguard against abuse or burst of incoming traffic. We have a working guideline to ensure you are not rate limited.

If you are rate limited, you would receive a http code 429 (Too Many Requests) response. This applies to the specific Merchant account making the API call

Tips to Prevent Rate Limiting

  1. Webhooks: Rather than poll perpetually, we recommend using listening for webhooks for changes in status of a transaction. To learn more, visit our webhooks section.
  2. Structured polling: Do not poll indefinitely to get the status of a transaction/transfer. Instead call an endpoint in a structured and sparse manner or in response to an event.

Handling Rate Limits Graceful

To gracefully handle rate limits, the best option is to look out for http response code 429 and implement a graceful retry. The retry mechanism should have a backoff mechanism to ensure the rate limits are again not exceeded

We will impose stiffer restrictions will be applied to your requests, if we notices intentional strategies or abuse to bypass the the rate limits guidelines.