JUMP TOGetting StartedIntroductionChargeCardpostBank TransferspostACHpostPay with Bank (UK/EU)postPay with Bank (NG)postMpesapostGhana Mobile MoneypostRwanda Mobile MoneypostUganda Mobile MoneypostFrancophone Mobile MoneypostTanzania mobile moneypost1VoucherpostApple PaypostGoogle PaypostE-NairapostUSSDpostNQRpostOPaypostCapitecpostFawry PaypostValidate chargeValidate a card or account chargepostTokenized ChargesCreate a Tokenized ChargepostTokenize a customer's bank accountpostRetrieve a Bank Account TokenpostUpdate a debit or credit card tokenputUpdate the status of a bank account tokenputCreate bulk Tokenized chargespostGet a bulk tokenized charge statusgetGet bulk Tokenized ChargesgetPreauthorizationCapture a preauthorized chargepostVoid a preauthorized chargepostRefund a preauthorized chargepostTransactionsVerify transaction statusgetVerify transaction status with referencegetGet multiple transactionsgetView transaction timelinegetRefund a transactionpostFetch a refunded transactiongetFetch multiple refunded transactionsgetQuery transaction feesgetResend failed WebhookspostTransfersCreate a transferpostRetry a failed transferpostCreate bulk transferpostQuery transfer feegetGet all transfersgetGet a transfergetGet a transfer retrygetGet a bulk transfergetQuery transfer ratesgetQuery bulk transfer ratespostVerify bulk transfer ratesgetTransfer BeneficiariesCreate a beneficiarypostList all beneficiariesgetFetch a beneficiarygetDelete a beneficiarydeleteVirtual Account NumbersCreate a virtual account numberpostCreate bulk virtual account numberspostGet bulk virtual account detailsgetGet a virtual account numbergetUpdate BVNputDelete a Virtual accountpostPayment PlansCreate payment planpostGet payment plansgetGet a payment plangetUpdate a payment planputCancel a payment planputSubscriptionsGet all subscriptionsgetDeactivate a SubscriptionputActivate a subscriptionputCollection SubaccountsCreate a subaccountpostFetch all subaccountsgetFetch a subaccountgetUpdate a subaccountputDelete a subaccountdeletePayout SubaccountsCreate a subaccountpostFetch All SubaccountsgetFetch a subaccountgetUpdate A SubaccountputFetch TransactionsgetFetch Available BalancegetFetch Static Virtual AccountsgetBillsGet supported bill categoriesgetGet biller informationgetGet bill informationgetValidate customer detailsgetCreate a bill paymentpostCreate bulk bill paymentpostGet status of a bill paymentgetGet bill payments summarygetGet bill payments historygetBiller types for data bundlesRemita PaymentsGet bill payment agenciesgetGet products under an agencygetGet amount to be paid for a productgetCreate order using billing code and product codepostUpdate bills orderputBanksGet all banksgetGet bank branchesgetMiscInitiate consent request for BVN verificationpostRetrieve BVN informationgetRetrieve Bank Account NamepostResolve card binsgetRetrieve Wallet balancesgetRetrieve Wallet balance by currencygetQuery Wallet balance historygetSettlementsRetrieve Settlements informationgetRetrieve a single Settlement loggetOtpsGenerate an OTP StringpostValidate an OTP StringpostChargebacksUpload proofpostAccept or decline a chargebackputRetrieve Chargeback InformationgetRetrieve a single chargebackgetRetry a failed transferpost https://api.flutterwave.com/v3/transfers/{id}/retriesThis helps you retry a previously failed transfer.