Sample Parameters to Encrypt
"PBFPubKey": "FLWPUBK-7adb6177bd71dd43c2efa3f1229e3b7f-X",
"cardno": "5438898014560229",
"charge_type": "preauth",
"cvv": "812",
"expirymonth": "08",
"expiryyear": "20",
"currency": "NGN",
"country": "NG",
"amount": "100",
"email": "",
"phonenumber": "08056552980",
"firstname": "user",
"lastname": "example",
"IP": "40.198.14",
"txRef": "MC-" +,
"redirect_url": "",
"device_fingerprint": "69e6b7f0b72037aa8428b70fbe03986c"
To secure a preauth charge, you can pass a usesecureauth parameter in your card charge payload and set the value to true before encryption.
"PBFPubKey": "FLWPUBK-7adb6177bd71dd43c2efa3f1229e3b7f-X",
"cardno": "5438898014560229",
"charge_type": "preauth",
"cvv": "812",
"expirymonth": "08",
"expiryyear": "20",
"currency": "NGN",
"country": "NG",
"amount": "100",
"email": "",
"phonenumber": "08056552980",
"firstname": "user",
"lastname": "example",
"IP": "40.198.14",
"txRef": "MC-" +,
"redirect_url": "",
"device_fingerprint": "69e6b7f0b72037aa8428b70fbe03986c",
"usesecureauth": true
Passing usesecureauth parameter as true
(boolean) means that Flutterwave will charge the card using our VBVSECURECODE auth model which returns a URL in the response as authurl
. Redirect the user to this URL, on completion, we will send the user to the redirect_url you specified in the initial request