Getting Started

Introduction to Rave's bill payments.

Rave allows merchants to re-sell bill payment services such as airtime payments in Nigeria, Ghana and the US and DSTV payment in Nigeria and Ghana.

Merchants get to make a 3% commission on successful Airtime sales, and a 30 naira flat commission on other bill services.

To get started with our bill payment APIs you would need to follow the prerequisites below.

Prerequisites for getting started with Rave bill payments.

  1. Sign-up for an account here.

  2. Navigate to the Transfers page on your dashboard and top up your balance using the Top up balance option.

  3. Ensure your available balance is funded before making use of the APIs.


Bill payment endpoint

Available Bill Services

  • Airtime Nigeria (All networks)
  • Airtime Ghana (All networks)
  • Airtime US
  • DStv payment Nigeria(also known as DStv box)
  • DStv payment Ghana
  • DStv Boxoffice
  • LCC Lekki & Ikoyi
  • Eko Disco Post & Prepaid
  • Data bundles all network (Nigeria & Uganda)
  • Remita government bill payments.

Request Structure

This is a sample request object to fetch all the available bills categories available on Rave

  "secret_key": "<YOUR SECRET KEY>",
  "service": "bills_categories",
  "service_method": "get",
  "service_version": "v1",
  "service_channel": "rave",
  "service_payload": ""

Parameter definitions

secret_keyTrueThis is your merchant secret key, please see our section on API Keys to learn how to retrieve your secret key.
serviceTrueThis is the bill payment services available please see a list below with explanation of the services.
e.g. fly_buy , fly_recurring
service_methodTrueThis is the HTTP Method for the required service.
service_versionTrueThis is the version for the APIs ... please set to v1, when a new version is available you would be able to put your required version.

Expected value: rave
This is the channel for the service, always use rave as the value.
service_payloadFalseThis is the request to be sent for the service.

Bill Payment Services

  • fly_buy [POST]: This allows you to buy Airtime, DSTV bill services. When you pass this as your service in the request you would need to pass a service_payload as well.

  • fly_buy_bulk [POST]: This allows you to buy bulk Airtime and DSTV bill services.

  • fly_recurring [GET]: This allows you to retrieve active recurring Airtime and DSTV bill services.

  • fly_recurring_cancel [POST]: This allows you to cancel recurring Airtime and DSTV bill services.

  • fly_history [POST]: This allows you to retrieve a history of all purchased bill services including commission earned.

  • fly_requery [POST]: This allows you to get the status of a bill purchase.

  • bill_categories [POST]: This allows you to get a list of individual bill categories.

  • bills_validate_itemcode_billercode_customerid [POST]: This allows you to validate services like DSTV smartcard no, Meter number etc.

  • fly_remita_get_billers [GET]: This allows you to get all government agencies you can pay into.

  • fly_remita_billers_{BillerID}_products [GET]: This allows your get all products under a government agency.

  • fly_remita_biller_lookup_{BillerID}_{ProductID} [POST]: This allows you to get the amount to be paid for a product.

  • fly_remita_pay_create-order [POST]: This allows you to create an order using the biller ID and the product ID

  • fly_remita_pay_pay-order [POST]: This allows you pay for the order you created using the òrder ID`

Please see below for what you would need to pass as your service payload.

Sample requests

  "secret_key": "<YOUR SECRET KEY>",
  "service": "fly_buy",
  "service_method": "post",
  "service_version": "v1",
  "service_channel": "rave",
  "service_payload": {
    "Country": "NG",
    "CustomerId": "+23490803840303",
    "Reference": "9300049404444",
    "Amount": 500,
    "RecurringType": 0,
    "IsAirtime": true,
    "BillerName": "AIRTIME"
  "secret_key": "<YOUR SECRET KEY>",
  "service": "fly_buy_bulk",
  "service_method": "post",
  "service_version": "v1",
  "service_channel": "rave",
  "service_payload": {
    "BatchReference": "batch-rave-150928302799933922",
    "CallBackUrl": "",
    "Requests": [
        "Country": "NG",
        "CustomerId": "+23490803840303",
        "Amount": 500,
        "RecurringType": 0,
        "IsAirtime": true,
        "BillerName": "AIRTIME",
        "Reference": "9300049404444"
        "Country": "GH",
        "CustomerId": "+233276081163",
        "Amount": 10,
        "RecurringType": 0,
        "IsAirtime": true,
        "BillerName": "AIRTIME",
        "Reference": "9300049405555"
        "Country": "US",
        "CustomerId": "+190830030",
        "Amount": 20,
        "RecurringType": 0,
        "IsAirtime": true,
        "BillerName": "AIRTIME",
        "Reference": "9300049406666"
  "secret_key": "FLWSECK-e6db11d1f8a6208de8cb2f94e293450e-X",
  "service": "fly_recurring",
  "service_method": "get",
  "service_version": "v1",
  "service_channel": "rave"
  "secret_key": "FLWSECK-e6db11d1f8a6208de8cb2f94e293450e-X",
  "service": "fly_history",
  "service_method": "post",
  "service_version": "v1",
  "service_channel": "rave",
  "service_payload": {
    "FromDate": "2018-08-01",
    "ToDate": "2018-08-27",
    "PageSize": 20,
    "PageIndex": 0,
    "Reference": "+233494850059"
  "secret_key": "FLWSECK-e6db11d1f8a6208de8cb2f94e293450e-X",
  "service": "fly_requery_9300049404444",// Prefix "fly_requery_" plus your transaction reference.
  "service_method": "get",
  "service_version": "v1",
  "service_channel": "rave"
  "secret_key": "FLWSECK-e6db11d1f8a6208de8cb2f94e293450e-X",
  "service": "bills_categories",
  "service_method": "get",
  "service_version": "v1",
  "service_channel": "rave"
  "secret_key": "FLWSECK-e6db11d1f8a6208de8cb2f94e293450e-X",
  "service": "bills_validate_CB140_BIL119_1025401152",
  "service_method": "get",
  "service_version": "v1",
  "service_channel": "rave"
    "secret_key": "FLWSECK-e6db11d1f8a6208de8cb2f94e293450e-X",
    "service": "fly_recurring_cancel",
    "service_method": "post",
    "service_version": "v1",
    "service_channel": "rave",
    "service_payload": {
        "CustomerMobile": "+23481056829830",
        "RecurringPayment": 383 //Id of the recurring payment to be cancelled.
//send this request as a POST Request

  "secret_key": "FLWSECK-e6db11d1f8a6208de8cb2f94e293450e-X",
  "service": "fly_remita_get-billers",
  "service_method": "get",
  "service_version": "v1",
  "service_channel": "rave"
//send this request as a POST Request

  "secret_key": "FLWSECK-e6db11d1f8a6208de8cb2f94e293450e-X",
  "service": "fly_remita_billers_BIL136_products",
  "service_method": "get",
  "service_version": "v1",
  "service_channel": "rave"
//send this request as a POST Request

  "secret_key": "FLWSECK-e6db11d1f8a6208de8cb2f94e293450e-X",
  "service": "fly_remita_biller_lookup_BIL136_OT151",
  "service_method": "get",
  "service_version": "v1",
  "service_channel": "rave"
//send this request as a POST Request

  "secret_key": "FLWSECK-e6db11d1f8a6208de8cb2f94e293450e-X",
  "service": "fly_remita_create-order",
  "service_method": "post",
  "service_version": "v1",
  "service_channel": "rave",
  "service_payload": {
	"billercode" : "BIL136",
	"productcode" : "OT151",
	"amount" : "3500.00",
	"transactionreference" : "FLWTTOT1000000092",
	"payer" : {
		"name" : "emmanuel",
		"email" : "",
		"phone" : "08060811638"
	"fields" : [{
		"id": "42107711:42107712",
        "quantity": "1",
        "value": "3500"
	}, {
		"id": "42107710",
		 "quantity": "1",
          "value": ""
//send this request as a POST Request

  "secret_key": "FLWSECK-e6db11d1f8a6208de8cb2f94e293450e-X",
  "service": "fly_remita_pay-order",
  "service_method": "post",
  "service_version": "v1",
  "service_channel": "rave",
  "service_payload": {
  "orderreference" : "47e02fb6-a32d-41f8-9f03-6c7b0da54d7b",
	"paymentreference" : "FLWTTOT1000000092",
	"amount" : "3811.5"

fly_buy Service payload parameters.

CountryTrueThis is the country attached to the service being bought e.g. if Service is Airtime and country is NG it means you are buying airtime in Nigeria.

Country can be any of these NG, GH, US
CustomerIdTrueThis is the customer identifier For airtime, the value must be the customer's phone number. For DSTV, it must be the customer's smartcard number.
AmountTrueThis is the amount for the service you would like to buy.
RecurringTypeTrueThis determines if you are buying a service recurrently or not.

When value is:
0 - This is a one time payment.

1 - This is an hourly payment.

2 - This is a daily payment.

3 - This is a weekly payment.

4 - This is a monthly payment.
IsAirtimeTrueSet this flag to true for airtime payments and false for dstv and non airtime payments.
BillerNameTruePass the following possible values based on the service being bought.

AIRTIME, DSTV, DSTV BOX OFFICE, MTN VTU, VODAFONE VTU, etc. This value will depend on the country and on the service
ReferenceFalseThis is a unique reference passed by the developer to identify transactions on their end.

fly_buy_bulk Service payload parameters.

BatchReferenceTrueThis is a reference that identifies the batch request being made for bulk requests.
CallBackUrlTrueThis is an endpoint supplied by you the developer/merchant so we can send a response when each request in the bulk is completed.
RequestsTrueThis is an array containing each individual requests in the batch.
CountryTrueThis is the country attached to the service being bought e.g. if Service is Airtime and country is NG it means you are buying airtime in Nigeria.

Country can be these set of options NG, GH, US
CustomerIdTrueThis is the customer detail, for airtime the value must be the customer's phone number for DSTV it must be the customer's smartcard number.
AmountTrueThis is the amount for the service you would like to buy.
RecurringTypeTrueThis determines if you are buying a service recurrently or not.

When value is:
0 - This is a one time payment.

1 - This is an hourly payment.

2 - This is a daily payment.

3 - This is a weekly payment.

4 - This is a monthly payment.
IsAirtimeTrueSet this flag to true for airtime payments and false for dstv and non airtime payments.
BillerNameTruePass the following possible values based on the service being bought.

ReferenceFalseThis is a unique reference passed by the developer to identify transactions on their end.

Sample callback Response.

The callback returns a response for each individual transaction in the batch.

  "MobileNumber": "+2349082930030",
  "Amount": 500,
  "Network": "9MOBILE",
  "TransactionReference": "CF-FLYAPI-201808240106311799470372",
  "PaymentReference": "BPUSSD1535069199348655",
  "BatchReference": null,
  "Status": "success",
  "Message": "Bill Payment was completed successfully",
  "Reference": null
  "Status": "fail",
  "Message": "Invalid customer id",
  "Code": "903",
  "CustomerReference": "+2339026420185"
  "Status": "fail",
  "Message": "Invalid Phone",
  "Code": "905",
  "CustomerReference": "+190830030"

fly_history service payload parameters.

FromDateTrueThis is the start date it can be in formats:
ToDateTrueThis is the end date, it can be in formats:
PageSizeTrueThis is the number of items you want returned per page.
PageIndexTrueThis is the page you want to start from.
ReferenceFalseThis is the customer ID, pass this if you want to retrieve bill history for a particular customer ID.

Sample responses

  "status": "success",
  "message": "SERVICE-RESPONSE",
  "data": {
    "MobileNumber": "+2347031056082",
    "Amount": 100,
    "Network": "MTN",
    "TransactionReference": "CF-FLYAPI-20190822093219730987",
    "PaymentReference": "BPUSSD15665095405052159977",
    "BatchReference": null,
    "ExtraData": null,
    "Status": "success",
    "Message": "Bill Payment was completed successfully",
    "Reference": null
    "status": "success",
    "message": "SERVICE-RESPONSE",
    "data": {
        "MobileNumber": null,
        "Amount": 0,
        "Network": null,
        "TransactionReference": null,
        "PaymentReference": null,
        "BatchReference": "CF-BATCH-FLY-API-201808241206220204935114",
        "Status": "success",
        "Message": "Bill Payment was queued for processing",
        "Reference": null
    "status": "success",
    "message": "SERVICE-RESPONSE",
    "data": {
        "RecurringPayments": [
                "Id": 5,
                "UniqueReference": "+2349082930030",
                "Amount": 500,
                "DateStarted": "2018-08-24T05:35:18.587Z",
                "DateStopped": null,
                "NextRun": "2018-08-24T06:35:18.587Z",
                "RecurringType": "Hourly"
        "Status": "success",
        "Message": "successful",
        "Reference": null
    "status": "success",
    "message": "SERVICE-RESPONSE",
    "data": {
        "Summary": [
                "Currency": "NGN",
                "SumBills": 3500,
                "SumCommission": 40,
                "SumDstv": 0,
                "SumAirtime": 2000,
                "CountDstv": 0,
                "CountAirtime": 4
                "Currency": "KES",
                "SumBills": 0,
                "SumCommission": 0,
                "SumDstv": 0,
                "SumAirtime": 0,
                "CountDstv": 0,
                "CountAirtime": 0
                "Currency": "GHS",
                "SumBills": 0,
                "SumCommission": 0,
                "SumDstv": 0,
                "SumAirtime": 0,
                "CountDstv": 0,
                "CountAirtime": 0
                "Currency": "USD",
                "SumBills": 0,
                "SumCommission": 0,
                "SumDstv": 0,
                "SumAirtime": 0,
                "CountDstv": 0,
                "CountAirtime": 0
                "Currency": "EUR",
                "SumBills": 0,
                "SumCommission": 0,
                "SumDstv": 0,
                "SumAirtime": 0,
                "CountDstv": 0,
                "CountAirtime": 0
                "Currency": "ZAR",
                "SumBills": 0,
                "SumCommission": 0,
                "SumDstv": 0,
                "SumAirtime": 0,
                "CountDstv": 0,
                "CountAirtime": 0
                "Currency": "GBP",
                "SumBills": 0,
                "SumCommission": 0,
                "SumDstv": 0,
                "SumAirtime": 0,
                "CountDstv": 0,
                "CountAirtime": 0
                "Currency": "TZS",
                "SumBills": 0,
                "SumCommission": 0,
                "SumDstv": 0,
                "SumAirtime": 0,
                "CountDstv": 0,
                "CountAirtime": 0
                "Currency": "UGX",
                "SumBills": 0,
                "SumCommission": 0,
                "SumDstv": 0,
                "SumAirtime": 0,
                "CountDstv": 0,
                "CountAirtime": 0
        "Transactions": [
                "Currency": "NGN",
                "CustomerId": "+2349082930030",
                "Frequency": "Hourly",
                "Amount": "500.0000",
                "Product": "AIRTIME",
                "ProductName": "FLY-API-NG-AIRTIME-9MOBILE",
                "Commission": 10,
                "TransactionDate": "2018-08-24T05:35:07.213Z",
                "TransactionId": 7895
                "Currency": "NGN",
                "CustomerId": "+2349082930030",
                "Frequency": "One Time",
                "Amount": "500.0000",
                "Product": "AIRTIME",
                "ProductName": "FLY-API-NG-AIRTIME-9MOBILE",
                "Commission": 10,
                "TransactionDate": "2018-08-24T01:06:31.55Z",
                "TransactionId": 7891
                "Currency": "NGN",
                "CustomerId": "+2349082930030",
                "Frequency": "One Time",
                "Amount": "500.0000",
                "Product": "AIRTIME",
                "ProductName": "FLY-API-NG-AIRTIME-9MOBILE",
                "Commission": 10,
                "TransactionDate": "2018-08-23T16:56:07.193Z",
                "TransactionId": 7868
                "Currency": "NGN",
                "CustomerId": "+2349082930030",
                "Frequency": "One Time",
                "Amount": "500.0000",
                "Product": "AIRTIME",
                "ProductName": "FLY-API-NG-AIRTIME-9MOBILE",
                "Commission": 10,
                "TransactionDate": "2018-08-23T16:55:49.413Z",
                "TransactionId": 7867
        "Total": 4,
        "Status": "success",
        "Message": "Successful",
        "Reference": null
    "status": "success",
    "message": "SERVICE-RESPONSE",
    "data": {
        "TransactionReference": "CF-FLYAPI-201808240106311799470372",
        "TransactionAmount": 500,
        "Fee": 0,
        "Currency": null,
        "Extra": null,
        "PaymentReference": null,
        "Token": null,
        "Status": "success",
        "Message": "Successful",
        "Data": null
    "status": "success",
    "message": "SERVICE-RESPONSE",
    "data": {
        "Status": "success",
        "Message": "Successful",
        "Data": [
                "Id": 1,
                "BillerCode": "BIL099",
                "Name": "MTN NIgeria",
                "DefaultCommission": 0.02,
                "DateAdded": "2018-07-03T00:00:00Z",
                "Country": "NG",
                "IsAirtime": true,
                "BillerName": "AIRTIME",
                "ItemCode": "AT099",
                "ShortName": "MTN",
                "Fee": 0,
                "CommissionOnFee": false,
                "RegExpression": "^[+]{1}[0-9]+$",
                "LabelName": "Mobile Number"
                "Id": 2,
                "BillerCode": "BIL099",
                "Name": "GLO Nigeria",
                "DefaultCommission": 0.025,
                "DateAdded": "2018-07-03T00:00:00Z",
                "Country": "NG",
                "IsAirtime": true,
                "BillerName": "AIRTIME",
                "ItemCode": "AT099",
                "ShortName": "GLO",
                "Fee": 0,
                "CommissionOnFee": false,
                "RegExpression": "^[+]{1}[0-9]+$",
                "LabelName": "Mobile Number"
                "Id": 3,
                "BillerCode": "BIL099",
                "Name": "9Mobile",
                "DefaultCommission": 0.025,
                "DateAdded": "2018-07-03T00:00:00Z",
                "Country": "NG",
                "IsAirtime": true,
                "BillerName": "AIRTIME",
                "ItemCode": "AT099",
                "ShortName": "9mobile",
                "Fee": 0,
                "CommissionOnFee": false,
                "RegExpression": "^[+]{1}[0-9]+$",
                "LabelName": "Mobile Number"
                "Id": 4,
                "BillerCode": "BIL099",
                "Name": "Airtel Nigeria",
                "DefaultCommission": 0.025,
                "DateAdded": "2018-07-03T00:00:00Z",
                "Country": "NG",
                "IsAirtime": true,
                "BillerName": "AIRTIME",
                "ItemCode": "AT099",
                "ShortName": "Airtel",
                "Fee": 0,
                "CommissionOnFee": false,
                "RegExpression": "^[+]{1}[0-9]+$",
                "LabelName": "Mobile Number"
                "Id": 5,
                "BillerCode": "BIL132",
                "Name": "Airtime",
                "DefaultCommission": 0.025,
                "DateAdded": "2018-08-17T00:00:00Z",
                "Country": "GH",
                "IsAirtime": true,
                "BillerName": "AIRTIME",
                "ItemCode": "AT217",
                "ShortName": "Airtime",
                "Fee": 0,
                "CommissionOnFee": false,
                "RegExpression": "^[+]{1}[0-9]+$",
                "LabelName": "Mobile Number"
                "Id": 6,
                "BillerCode": "BIL135",
                "Name": "Airtime",
                "DefaultCommission": 0.025,
                "DateAdded": "2018-08-17T00:00:00Z",
                "Country": "US",
                "IsAirtime": true,
                "BillerName": "AIRTIME",
                "ItemCode": "AT219",
                "ShortName": "Airtime",
                "Fee": 0,
                "CommissionOnFee": false,
                "RegExpression": "^[+]{1}[0-9]+$",
                "LabelName": "Mobile Number"
                "Id": 7,
                "BillerCode": "BIL119",
                "Name": "DSTV Payment",
                "DefaultCommission": 0.3,
                "DateAdded": "2018-08-17T00:00:00Z",
                "Country": "NG",
                "IsAirtime": false,
                "BillerName": "DSTV",
                "ItemCode": "CB140",
                "ShortName": "DSTV",
                "Fee": 100,
                "CommissionOnFee": true,
                "RegExpression": "^[0-9]+$",
                "LabelName": "Smart Card Number"
                "Id": 8,
                "BillerCode": "BIL137",
                "Name": "DSTV Payment",
                "DefaultCommission": 0,
                "DateAdded": "2018-08-17T00:00:00Z",
                "Country": "GH",
                "IsAirtime": false,
                "BillerName": "DSTV",
                "ItemCode": "CB226",
                "ShortName": "DSTV",
                "Fee": 0,
                "CommissionOnFee": false,
                "RegExpression": "^[0-9]+$",
                "LabelName": "Smart card Number"
                "Id": 9,
                "BillerCode": "BIL119",
                "Name": "DSTV BoxOffice",
                "DefaultCommission": 0.3,
                "DateAdded": "2018-08-17T00:00:00Z",
                "Country": "NG",
                "IsAirtime": false,
                "BillerName": "DSTV BOX OFFICE",
                "ItemCode": "CB140",
                "ShortName": "Box Office",
                "Fee": 100,
                "CommissionOnFee": true,
                "RegExpression": "^[0-9]+$",
                "LabelName": "Smart Card Number"
                "Id": 10,
                "BillerCode": "BIL127",
                "Name": "LCC Lekki",
                "DefaultCommission": 0.3,
                "DateAdded": "2019-02-20T00:00:00Z",
                "Country": "NG",
                "IsAirtime": false,
                "BillerName": "LCC",
                "ItemCode": "UB224",
                "ShortName": "LCC Lekki-Epe Expressway",
                "Fee": 100,
                "CommissionOnFee": true,
                "RegExpression": "^[0-9\\-]+$",
                "LabelName": "LCC Account Number"
                "Id": 11,
                "BillerCode": "BIL127",
                "Name": "LCC Ikoyi",
                "DefaultCommission": 0.3,
                "DateAdded": "2019-02-20T00:00:00Z",
                "Country": "NG",
                "IsAirtime": false,
                "BillerName": "LCC",
                "ItemCode": "UB225",
                "ShortName": "LCC Ikoyi Bridge",
                "Fee": 100,
                "CommissionOnFee": true,
                "RegExpression": "^[0-9\\-]+$",
                "LabelName": "Lcc Account Number"
                "Id": 13,
                "BillerCode": "BIL112",
                "Name": "EKO PREPAID",
                "DefaultCommission": 0.3,
                "DateAdded": "2019-03-20T00:00:00Z",
                "Country": "NG",
                "IsAirtime": false,
                "BillerName": "EKO DISCO BILLS",
                "ItemCode": "UB157",
                "ShortName": "EKO PREPAID",
                "Fee": 100,
                "CommissionOnFee": true,
                "RegExpression": "^[0-9]$+",
                "LabelName": "Meter Number"
                "Id": 14,
                "BillerCode": "BIL112",
                "Name": "EKO PPOSTPAID",
                "DefaultCommission": 0.3,
                "DateAdded": "2019-02-03T00:00:00Z",
                "Country": "NG",
                "IsAirtime": false,
                "BillerName": "EKO DISCO BLLS",
                "ItemCode": "UB158",
                "ShortName": "EKO POSTPAID",
                "Fee": 100,
                "CommissionOnFee": true,
                "RegExpression": "^[0-9]$",
                "LabelName": "Meter Number"
    "status": "success",
    "message": "SERVICE-RESPONSE",
    "data": {
        "data": {
            "responsecode": "00",
            "servicecode": "Others",
            "responsemessage": "Successful",
            "billers": [
                    "code": "BIL136",
                    "name": "Genesis Group Payment"
                    "code": "BIL137",
                    "name": "Government Payments"
        "description": "",
        "status": "success"
    "status": "success",
    "message": "SERVICE-RESPONSE",
    "data": {
        "data": {
            "response_code": "00",
            "response_message": "Successful",
            "biller_code": "BIL136",
            "meta_data": null,
            "products": [
                    "amount": "0.0",
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